Tag Archives for Conference Papers
Alternate Gaming Interfaces at F.R.O.G. 2010
Here are the slides from my short Pecha Kucha / Froga Kucha presentation at the 4th Future and Reality of Gaming (F.R.O.G.) conference in Vienna. More about F.R.O.G. at http://bupp.at/frog.
Post Posthumanism
Here are the slides for my paper ‘The Real Virtual Living’, presented at the Posthumanism strand of ISEA 2009 at the Waterfront Hall, Belfast.
ISEA 2009 paper and workshop
I’m presenting a paper at the ISEA 2009 Conference (International Symposium on Electronic Arts) in Belfast this August. It’s under the ‘Posthumanism’ category and called ‘The Real Virtual Living’. Basically in it I’m examining what people thought the ‘cyberfuture’ would … Continue reading
ARGjacking 815
Back in December 2007 ABC launched ‘Find 815‘, the second alternate realty game promoting Emmy award winning TV series ‘Lost‘. In the first interactive part of the experience a laptop screen was shown full of fictitious email addresses. One of … Continue reading