Category Archives for teaching
Collaborative Learning through Machinima
Here is a project by my students from year 4 of the BSc (Hons) in Computing and Games Development at Dundalk Institute of Technology during the Spring 2012 semester, for the Designing for Cultural Diversity elective. The class were set … Continue reading
‘All Your Mediums Are Belong to Us’ at the ECREA Digital Culture & Communications Workshop
More slides, these are from my talk at the European Communication Research and Education Association/ECREA Digital Culture and Communication Workshop 2011. The talk was mainly about using Booki and BurnStation in class assessment situations, but also went off on a … Continue reading
Burnstation and Booki, learning by doing
At DkIT I teach a module called User Theories to year 4 of the BA (Hons) in Communications and Creative Multimedia. It centers around the distributive, collaborative and communicative properties of digital media and the creative opportunities these afford. So … Continue reading
Alternate Gaming Interfaces at F.R.O.G. 2010
Here are the slides from my short Pecha Kucha / Froga Kucha presentation at the 4th Future and Reality of Gaming (F.R.O.G.) conference in Vienna. More about F.R.O.G. at