Tag Archives for Animation


Found these great flash cartoons on youtube, by animator Hiroshi Namiki. All feature this ape with a snot bubble hanging out of his nose, who mostly spends his time harassing a bulldog, which has similar nose hygiene issues. The use … Continue reading

15. March 2009 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Flash | Tags: , | Leave a comment

7workshops7 at 1scale1

I was over in Sweden last month attending 7workshops7 organised by 1scale1, a research lab based in Malmö city. The workshops were all about interaction design and prototyping with open source hardware and software tools, mainly arduino, processing , reacTIVision, … Continue reading

15. September 2008 by Kieran
Categories: Arduino, Electronics, Processing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Black Ox Fighting Bot

Just stumbled across this website from Japan all about robots and found the very impressive walking, fist throwing robot by Vstone called the Black Ox . It stands a mighty foot and a half high, has twenty articulation points and … Continue reading

15. March 2008 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Designer Toys, Electronics | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Benetton Flipbook Deluxe

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been using this great flipbook creator from benettonplay.com with a beginners animation class. It was developed by Fabrica, Bennetton’s R&D center. A clever feature of this little web app is that in addition … Continue reading

28. September 2007 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Flash | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Mobile TV, Toon Boom & Machinima @ Darklight

I caught a few of the presentations at Friday’s session of the Darklight 2007 symposium. First up was a talk from reps of 02, Eircom, Babelgum and RTÉ about the future of television and how mobile-tv and tv-on-demand rewrite the … Continue reading

24. June 2007 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Hacking | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Star Fleet X-Bomber

Way back I used to watch Star Fleet on Saturday mornings. A mix of Anime style and Gerry Anderson puppetry, it blew my mind. However it disappeared from tv in the early eighties and hasn't been broadcast since. For years … Continue reading

26. January 2007 by Kieran
Categories: Animation | Tags: | Leave a comment

Visual Refuel

I was over in London a couple of weeks ago and splurged out on some quality graphics readables, visual refuel: Character Design For Mobile DevicesEverything you need to know about sprite graphics, a history of 8/16 bit video game systems, … Continue reading

25. July 2006 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Books, Design | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Holographic Gorillaz

Some links about the recent live performance by virtual supergroup Gorillaz at the MTV Europe awards… .Some download links for the vid.Times article on how it was achieved technically.Guardian article about planned tour.Unofficial Gorillaz site .Official Gorillaz site.Gorillaz fan site

27. November 2005 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Music | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Ghost In The Shell

This week Masamune Shirow's Ghost In The Shell has been on my mind a lot, I've been rewatching a subtitled dvd of GITS 2 Innocence that I picked up in Sydney's Chinatown last January… I still can't help but be … Continue reading

29. October 2005 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Books, Music | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment