Category Archives for Books

Atari 2600 Study

At the moment I’m reading ‘Racing The Beam‘, an in-depth study of Atari’s VCS console from 1977 (renamed the 2600 in 1982). The book traces the systems history and talks about how it’s game designers creatively worked around the machines … Continue reading

20. May 2009 by Kieran
Categories: 8bit, Books, Video Games | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Visual Refuel

I was over in London a couple of weeks ago and splurged out on some quality graphics readables, visual refuel: Character Design For Mobile DevicesEverything you need to know about sprite graphics, a history of 8/16 bit video game systems, … Continue reading

25. July 2006 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Books, Design | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

A Dictionary of Video Game Theory

Does exactly what it says on the tin: link It contains a reference to triangularity as featured in the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors… that would have been handy for the Bionic Roshambo project…

11. December 2005 by Kieran
Categories: Books, Video Games | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

33 1/3 ENTRODUCING… by Eliot WIlder

There's just something about a well researched music interview/documentary that makes it compulsive for me, even its a band who's work I don't have a huge knowledge off (like the VH1 documentary on Megadeth with its brilliant voice overs at … Continue reading

01. December 2005 by Kieran
Categories: Books, Music | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Ghost In The Shell

This week Masamune Shirow's Ghost In The Shell has been on my mind a lot, I've been rewatching a subtitled dvd of GITS 2 Innocence that I picked up in Sydney's Chinatown last January… I still can't help but be … Continue reading

29. October 2005 by Kieran
Categories: Animation, Books, Music | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Current reading / viewing

Picked up some good reading & viewing material over the last week: How to draw Manga, Macromedia Flash TechniquesExactly what it says on the tin, really needed this because my colouring in technique could be a lot better… this book … Continue reading

25. September 2005 by Kieran
Categories: Books, Design, Film | Tags: , , | Leave a comment