Tag Archives for Design
I had some (2.5cm) pin badges made up for another site I have to try sell as merchandise (but mostly just give away)… sent a jpeg of the design to Wee Badgers in Scotland along with the payment and they … Continue reading
Buddha Machine, AIBO and 3D Asimo
A gadget that I want: FM3 ‘s Buddha Machine, a solid state ambient album “a small soundbox made in China which comes with an integrated speaker, a volume control, mini jack-out and a switch to choose between nine different loops … Continue reading
Optical Camoflage / Laughing Man
I'm hooked on Wikipedia, it's a really useful (when you need it to be) and informative web resource to browse through and can lead you off on some great hyperlink tangents where you end up stumbling accross something that makes … Continue reading
Wireless Winter Wear
Today was zero degrees, freezing… I need some new winter clothes… and even though it makes me think of those hats with the beer dispensers built in, I still wouldn't mind having this bluetooth enabled, mobile phone and ipod compatible … Continue reading
Current reading / viewing
Picked up some good reading & viewing material over the last week: How to draw Manga, Macromedia Flash TechniquesExactly what it says on the tin, really needed this because my colouring in technique could be a lot better… this book … Continue reading
Random Scribbles
Some links to pencil drawn stuff I found on my webserver… (1) some character drawings (2) concept characters for 'Fantasy Wars' , a LOTR type game from Nocturnal (3) A robot… I'm a robots kind of person 🙂