Category Archives for Design
Wardriving in a Virtual Reality bus
I’ve been using Wifi while commuting by bus a lot this week, reminded me of this project proposal I made in 2002 back when I was studying towards the Interactive Media MA at UL. It was for our ‘Interactive Media … Continue reading
Mongi Slim
The Random Album Cover Game has been around the last year, but I had a go at it a couple of days ago. Not sure what genre it’d fit into exactly… possibly folk meets downtempo meets dnb… talk, This Happened #6, Doodle Earth
I was over in London recently to check out a couple of talks that were taking place as part of Onedotzero’s Adventures in Motion festival. First up was a presentation about digital means of creating music, controlling music and creating … Continue reading
FÍS07 – Dundalk IT Multimedia Exhibition
This week Dundalk IT’s department of Music & Creative media held it’s fifth annual multimedia exhibition. On display were interactive projects from the 3rd and 4th year multimedia degree students. The teams did a great job, their imagination and hard … Continue reading
Flat-Pack Cardboard Speakers
These Muji fold-up speakers are really innovative. You can pack them flat in your laptop bag or whatever and then unfold them when needed. Of course cardboard speakers are not that durable and they might or might not be audiophile … Continue reading
Shoot To Kill
Been looking at cine cameras on ebay, spotted this 8mm Nizo camera from the 1950's… looks like a hand crafted antique from the future… and it's clockwork, unreal… link
Visual Refuel
I was over in London a couple of weeks ago and splurged out on some quality graphics readables, visual refuel: Character Design For Mobile DevicesEverything you need to know about sprite graphics, a history of 8/16 bit video game systems, … Continue reading
I had some (2.5cm) pin badges made up for another site I have to try sell as merchandise (but mostly just give away)… sent a jpeg of the design to Wee Badgers in Scotland along with the payment and they … Continue reading
Buddha Machine, AIBO and 3D Asimo
A gadget that I want: FM3 ‘s Buddha Machine, a solid state ambient album “a small soundbox made in China which comes with an integrated speaker, a volume control, mini jack-out and a switch to choose between nine different loops … Continue reading
Optical Camoflage / Laughing Man
I'm hooked on Wikipedia, it's a really useful (when you need it to be) and informative web resource to browse through and can lead you off on some great hyperlink tangents where you end up stumbling accross something that makes … Continue reading