Tag Archives for Tangible Interfaces

Björk’s reacTABLE

Here’s a great video from Björk‘s recent performance at Glastonbury showing the reacTABLE, tangible multi-touch interface as an integral part of her live instrumentation… Björk always pushing the boundaries and embracing new music technology… More info on reacTABLE here and … Continue reading

27. June 2007 by Kieran
Categories: Music, Physical Computing, Tangible Interfaces | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

FÍS07 – Dundalk IT Multimedia Exhibition

This week Dundalk IT’s department of Music & Creative media held it’s fifth annual multimedia exhibition. On display were interactive projects from the 3rd and 4th year multimedia degree students. The teams did a great job, their imagination and hard … Continue reading

16. June 2007 by Kieran
Categories: Arduino, Design, Tangible Interfaces, Video Games | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 1 comment

Rock, Scissors, (Research) Paper

DKIT’s Department of Music & Creative Media recently held it’s 4th Annual Research Colloquium. Nine papers were presented by students and staff, ranging from the effects of social networking sites on peoples lives to the middle east conflict. I made … Continue reading

07. May 2007 by Kieran
Categories: Hacking, Physical Computing, Tangible Interfaces, Video Games | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Was back in London again last week and found 'PLAY.orchestra', a sound installation outside the Royal Festival Hall on the South Bank of the Thames. It's an interactive public space where you can take part in a collaborative music performance … Continue reading

14. September 2006 by Kieran
Categories: Music, Physical Computing, Tangible Interfaces | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Nintendo Revolution Controller

Nintendo's new controller for their forthcoming Revolution console has been unveiled at the Tokyo Games Show. A lot are unimpressed by its tv zapper style look, but looks are deceptive. The gyroscopic control aspect of it should hopefully bring new … Continue reading

18. September 2005 by Kieran
Categories: Tangible Interfaces, Video Games | Tags: , | Leave a comment

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