Tag Archives for Misc

Short and Tweet

The blogosphere probably doesn’t need another post about Twitter but I’ll write one anyways. I’ve been using this a lot over the last couple of months (partly why this blog hasn’t been updated), so if you want take a look … Continue reading

22. January 2009 by Kieran
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Starting again

I’ve switched to WordPress, the old blog is >> here

24. March 2007 by Kieran
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just a test…

24. March 2007 by Kieran
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Max Headroom: Broadcast Hijacker

In 1987 a Chicago television station was taken over for several minutes by a guy in a Max Headroom mask – the video is on youtube (like everything)… really funny in a surreal and creepy way… more info on the … Continue reading

08. March 2007 by Kieran
Categories: Hacking | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

The Most Complete Food

Milk is the most complete, balanced food in the world. Once you start tampering with it everything becomes fucked up.

05. August 2006 by Kieran
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May was hectic

Meaning to do some retrospective blogging but have been distracted… May was hectic busy and while there were things I could have wrote about here I didn't… anyhows sometimes it's good to take a break and de-computerise…

08. June 2006 by Kieran
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Links Rechts

Burning visible images onto CDRs with data – Internet addiction clinic for online gamers – Wesley Willis on the Howard Stern Show – Cellphone masts victim site – Irish Freemasons – Videodrome – The Thirteenth Floor

17. April 2006 by Kieran
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New Years Links

Rock, Paper, Saddam – Cool mouse / voip handset combo – DIY Pocket AMP – Reaper multitrack recorder – human/animal hybrids – Stalin's half ape supertroops – MK Vs. SF2 – Ricky Gervais podcasts – PSNI Tang Landrover model – … Continue reading

06. January 2006 by Kieran
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NORAD Tracks Santa 2005

Through the internet you can track Santa Claus live using the NORAD missile and aircraft detection network… this link explains the technical issues involved… apparently “Rudolph's nose gives off an infrared signature similar to a missile launch”… 🙂 Happy Christmas!

24. December 2005 by Kieran
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