Category Archives for Electronics
Sinister 7 – Interactive Munny
This article from details a really interesting piece of work made with some of their equipment, an electronic version of the Magic 8-Ball game that detects motion through a gyroscope and displays its information on a mobile-phone screen embedded … Continue reading
Atari Punk Console, Breadboard Version
Here’s a short improvisation on an ‘Atari Punk Console‘ that I’ve built on a solderless breadboard. Atari Punk Console Breadboard Performance (2007) from Kieran Nolan on Vimeo. The APC name was coined by Kaustic Machines who based the circuit on … Continue reading
Buddha Machine, AIBO and 3D Asimo
A gadget that I want: FM3 ‘s Buddha Machine, a solid state ambient album “a small soundbox made in China which comes with an integrated speaker, a volume control, mini jack-out and a switch to choose between nine different loops … Continue reading