
Was back in London again last week and found 'PLAY.orchestra', a sound installation outside the Royal Festival Hall on the South Bank of the Thames. It's an interactive public space where you can take part in a collaborative music performance of sorts. The interface is made up of 56 perspex cube seats representing the musicians in an orchestra and 3 'hotspots'. When you take a seat, the instrument illustrated on it plays. More people = more instruments and layers of sound, resulting in up to 60 or so people collaborating on a preformance for the public (with some random inebriated bloke playing conducter, lol). It's also possible to upload your own sounds and arrangements via mobile phone to the project's server, thus shaping the orchestra's performance one step further. Great fun, has people smiling all round. Definatly worth a visit if you're near it. link

14. September 2006 by Kieran
Categories: Music, Physical Computing, Tangible Interfaces | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

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